Matrescence, magnitude, motherhood. The weeks before and after the birth of a baby, 2020. The weeks before and after the death of a baby, 2023. Prenatal, postnatal, prenatal, postmortem.
A collaborative project with Angus Fulton.
Written pieces:

July 2020, 41 weeks, covid pandemic, living in a hotel near the only hospital that would allow Angus to be present for the entire duration of the labour

walk the baby out

haven't you had your baby yet?

but can covid travel on tomatoes?

42 weeks

Frida Sima

blood blistered



August 2023, Frida in the pool

toddler traps

37 weeks

38 weeks, 3 days before it happened

Frida, waiting for intensive care visiting hours

first daylight after 2 days in an induced coma and 9 days in intensive care

breakfast with Frida and Suri, first morning home


at the crematorium


'The presence of the baby in your tummy saved your life.'

laparotomy scar and seatbelt bruising

